7322 Harrison St. LaVista, NE 68128
All Animals Available
All Animals are available to be Shipped
-Adult Blizzard Leopard Gecko $149.99
-Female Mangrove Monitor $550
-High White Pied Veiled Chameleon $199.99
-Giant Haitian Galliwasp $69.99
-Albino Leopard Gecko $99.99
-Sailfin Dragon $299.99
-Cuban Knight Anole $49.99
-Baby Green Basilisk $99.99
-Adult Cuban False Chameleon Pair $99.99
-Mountain Horned Lizard $49.99
-Italian Wall Lacerta $59.99
-African Fire Skink $69.99
-Male Hypo/Pastel Bearded Dragon $189.99
-Fancy Striped Bearded Dragon $199.99
-Savannah Monitor $99.99
-Fan Footed Gecko with Setup $89.99
-Tiger Dalmatian Crested Gecko $119.99
-Baby Gargoyle Gecko $199.99
-Male Leachianus Gecko $699.99
-Adult Male Red Striped Gargoyle Gecko $399.99
-Adult Female Red Striped Gargoyle Gecko $399.99
-Striped African Fat Tail Gecko $129.99
-Flame Dalmatian Crested Gecko $129.99
-XLG Green & Black Auratus Dart Frogs $69.99
-Fantasy PacMan Frog $59.99
-Coffee PacMan Frog $59.99
-Crested Toad $59.99
-Blue Dumpy Tree Frogs $59.99
-Low White Pied Ball Python $399.99
-Female Orange Dream Ball Python $399.99
-Leopard Pastel Het Clown Poss Crypton Ball Python $599.99
-Super Russo Blue Eye Lucy Ball Python $499.99
-Female Desert Spotted California King Snake $399.99
-Banana King Pin Ball Python $299.99
-African Black House Snake $119.99
-Ghost Corn Snake $119.99
-Albino Corn Snake $119.99
-Sunkissed Tessera Corn Snake $119.99
-Honey Corn Snake $129.99
-Kastanie Corn Snake $129.99
-Mexican Black King Snake $249.99
-Lavender Aberrant California King Snake $149.99
-Spider Ball Python $199.99
-Black Pastel Ball Python $199.99
-Mojave Ball Python $199.99
-Adult Female Super Pastel Woma Ball Python $799.99
-Adult Male Dragonfly Yellowbelly Ball Python $599.99
-Sub-Adult Female Het Pied Ball Python $399.99
-Salmon Colombian Red Tail Boa $399.99
-Honduran Tangerine Milk Snake $199.99
-Adult Male Western Anaconda Hognose $799.99
-Motley/Stripe/Sunglow Corn Snake $149.99
-Male Banana Pinstripe Ball Python $499.99
-Banana Spinner Blast Ball Python $399.99
-Central American Boa $149.99
-Male Super Anaconda Albino Western Hognose $999.99
-Rusty Black Rat Snake $99.99
-Male Florida King Snake $159.99
-Ornate Wood Turtle $99.99
-Yellow Ear Slider $39.99
-Mississippi Map Turtle $69.99
Available Tarantula List For Sale
Shipping Available, Please contact us if you are interested in any of our Tarantulas
-Adult Poecilotheria Metallica (Gooty Sapphire Metallica Tarantula) $349.99 Unsexed
-Adult Poecilotheria Metallica (Gooty Sapphire Metallica Tarantula) $349.99 Female
-Sub Adult Monocentropus Balfouri (Blue Socotra Tarantula) $150 Unsexed
-Sub Adult Orphnaecus SP. Quezon Blue (Quezon Blue Earth Tiger Tarantula) $229.99 Female
-Sub Adult Pamphobeteus SP. Mascara (Giant Mascara Bird Eater Tarantula) $259.99 Unsexed
-Juvenile Theraphosa Apophysis (Goliath Pink Foot Tarantula) $249.99 Unsexed
-Sub Adult Pamphobeteus Nigricolor (Giant Blue Bloom Tarantula) $299.99 Unsexed
-Sub Adult Pterinochilus Murinus (Orange Starburst Baboon Tarantula) $219.99 Unsexed
-Adult Xenesthis Sp. Blue (Colombian Lesser Blue Tarantula) $799.99 Female
-Sling Cyclocosmia torreya (Torreya Trap Door Spider) $69.99 Unsexed
-Juvenile Harpactira Cafreriana (Cape Copper Baboon Tarantula) $249.99 Unsexed
-Juvenile Nhandu Trippepi (Brazilian Giant Blonde Tarantula) $199.00 Unsexed
-Juvenile Aphonopelma Sp. Acapulco (Desert Blonde Tarantula) $129.99 Unsexed
-Juvenile Phormictopus Auratus (Cuban Bronze Tarantula) $99.99 Unsexed
-Sling Grammostola Pulchra (Brazilian Black Tarantula) $199.99 Unsexed
-Juvenile Chilobrachys Huahini (Asian Fawn Tarantula) $79.99 Unsexed
-Sling Psalmopoeus Pulcher (Panama Blonde Tarantula) $139.99 Unsexed
-Sling Citharacanthus Cyaneus (Cuban Violet Tarantula) $225.99 Unsexed
-Sling Dolichothele diamantinensis (Brazilian Blue Dwarf Beauty Tarantula) $129.99 Unsexed
-Juvenile Neoholothele Incei (Trinidad Dwarf Olive Tarantula) $149.99 Unsexed
-Sub Adult Caribena Laeta (Puerto Rican Pink Toe Tarantula) $149.99 Unsexed
-Sling Aphonopelma chalcodes (Arizona Blond Tarantula) $89.99 Unsexed
-Sling Pterinochilus murinus (KIGOMA/DCF) (Orange Baboon Tarantula) $59.99 Unsexed
-Sling Sphodros Abbotii (Purse Web Spider) $69.99 Unsexed
-Sling Acanthoscurria Simoensi (Manaus Black & Gold Tarantula) $199.99 Unsexed
-Sling Bumba Horrida (Ex Cabocla) (Brazilian Redhead Tarantula) $69.99 Unsexed
-Sling Pterinochilus Murinus “Tete” (Chocolate Orange Baboon Tarantula) $119.99 Unsexed
-Sling Phlogiellus Moniqueverdezae (Thailand Dwarf Earth Tiger Tarantula) $69.99 Unsexed
-Sling Davus Sp. Panama (Lava Tarantula) $199.99 Unsexed
-Sling Thrixopelma Sp. Cajamaraca (Cajamaraca Orange Tarantula) $85.99 Unsexed
-Sling Ephebopus Murinus (Skeleton Tarantula) $99.99 Unsexed
-Sling Tapinauchenius Sp. Violaceus (Purple Tree Spider) $119.99 Unsexed
-Sling Cyriocosmus Elegens (Trinidad Dwarf Heart Spider) $59.99 Unsexed
-Sling Lasiodora Parahybana (Brazilian Salmon Pink Bird Eater Tarantula) $79.99 Unsexed
-Sling Hapalopus Sp. Colombian (Pumpkin Patch Tarantula) $79.99 Unsexed
-Sling Cyclosternum Sp. Falcon Tarantula $199.99 Unsexed
We are Now Shipping Reptiles and will post here each week with a new Reptile for Sale. Please Email us if you are interested in any of our Reptile. We ship all across the USA.
We have this beautiful Savannah Monitor for Sale. It is marked at $99.99 plus Shipping. Please contact us for more information on this beauty.

Black Friday Sale
We will be Closed Thursday Nov 23rd 2023 for Thanksgiving so our employees can spend time with there families.
We will also be Opening early for Black Friday at 10am with Huge Deals. First 10 People in the door get a special Grab Bag. We also have hidden deals around the store as well as specials store wide.
We have a special guest as well. Dr. Matt Merkwan will be doing a meet and greet as well as a Q&A for all your reptile and Fish questions. He will be starting at 10am
James will also be doing a demonstration at 1pm in regards to how to set up a Bioactive Terrarium and what to look for.
We hope to see you all out.
From all of us here at Blue Dog Aquatics we hope you have a Safe and Amazing Thanksgiving.
New Reptile Order In
Juvenile Extreme Harlequin Crested Gecko
Juvenile Phantom Partial Pinstripe Crested Gecko
Juvenile Tiger Dalmatian Crested Gecko
Juvenile Flame Dalmatian Crested Gecko
Adult Female Jungle Designer Leopard Gecko
Adult Male Hypo High Yellow Leopard Gecko
Arachnid Sales This Weekend

6000 Gallon Pond with Koi

Come Check Out How Far Our Pond Has Come Along
#freshwater, #Fish, #aquarium, #DIY, #Pond, #Howto, #waterfall, #FunnyVideos, #FishTank, #CustomBuild, #AquaticPlants, #Aquascaping, #How, #Exciting, #MyPondfromHell, #Toheaven, #Part3, #diyprojects, #diyperks, #KoiFish, #japanesekoipond, #KoiPond, #FinishedPond, #6000gallonpond, #Mypondfinallyhas, #fillingupmypondwithfish, #myfishpond, #mynewpond, #mypond, #MypondFinallyhasKoi, #aquaticplantsforponds, #waterlily, #feedingkoifish, #nevergiveup, #WhatsNew, #NewLook
HUGE Freshwater Plant Order In
Huge New Freshwater Plant Order In
-Red Flame Sword
-St. Elmos Fire
-Crypt Green Wendtii
-Red Wendtii
-Ulvaceus Bulb
-Red Tiger Lotus
-Dwarf Baby Tear Mat
-Christmas Moss
-Flame Moss
-Java Moss
-Monosolenium Tenerum Moss
-Amazon Sword
-Ozelot Green Pot
-Red Flame Sword Pot
-Red Rubin Sword Pot
-Dwarf Baby Tear Pot
-C. Bronze Wendtii Pot
-C. Green Wendtii Pot
-C. Red Wendtii Pot
-Four Leaf Clover Pot
-Dwarf Four Leaf Clover Pot
-Glossostigma Pot
-Giant Hairgrass Pot
-Green Cabomba
-Creeping Charlie
-Cherry Hedge
-Broad Leaf Ludwigia
-Narrow Leaf Ludwigia
-Filigree Myrio
-Green Myrio
-Red Myrio
-Rotala Indica
-Rotala Nanjenshan
-Rotala Wallichii
-Amazon Sword (Bleheri)
-Kleiner Prinz
-Oriental Sword
-Marble Queen (Cordifolius)
-Rangeri Sword
-Micro Sword Pot
-Dwarf Sagittaria Pot
-Micranthemum Monte Carlo Pot
Lots & Lots In Stock Come Plant Your Tank Today
-Red Phantom Tetra
-Pearl Danio
-African Knife Fish
-Electric Blue Acara
-Silver Arowana
-Goldy Pleco L14
-Pepperspot Pleco L32
-White Inspector Pleco L201
-Rubberlip Pleco L146
-Longfin Green Dragon Bristlenose
-Columbia Otocinclus
-Albino Cory
-Paleatus Cory
-Rope Fish
-Butterfly Fish
-Orange Boesemani Rainbow
-Forktail Blue Eye Rainbow
-Dwarf Chain Loach
-Standard 4 inch Koi
-Albino Iridescent Shark
-Cherry Barbs
-Lyretail Molly
-Saffron Molly
-Leopard Molly
-Male Guppy Mix
-Female Guppy Mix
-Male Red Tuxedo Guppy
-Male Flame Guppy
-Male Red Snakeskin Guppy
-Red Velvet S/T
-Blue Mickey Mouse Platy
-Zebra Platy
-Coral Red Wagtail Sphitz Platy
-Electric Blue Crayfish
-Albino Mystery Snails
-Magenta Mystery Snail
-Purple Mystery Snail
-Ivory Mystery Snail
-Jade Mystery Snail
-Mixed Peacock Cichlids
Come Check Everything Out
Recent Posts
- Are You Looking for the Perfect Back Ground for Your Terrarium? Do You Just Not have the time to Set an Enclosure Up? Well Look no farther we are here to Help. Stop on in for a Free Quote
- All Animals Available
- Available Tarantula List For Sale
- We are Now Shipping Reptiles and will post here each week with a new Reptile for Sale. Please Email us if you are interested in any of our Reptile. We ship all across the USA.
- Black Friday Sale
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